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The Pastures

Primary School

Work Hard, Be Kind

Curious   Courageous   Committed



Governors Annual SEND report to Parents August 2023


As part of their statutory duties governing bodies must publish information and report on the school’s policy on special educational needs.

Our SEND policy and our local offer can be found on the school’s website. This is reviewed regularly to make sure it reflects current legislation and our practice.


Number of children with SEND

This year we have 15 children  including 4 EHCPs with SEND.


Admission arrangements for children with SEND

Children at The Pastures are admitted in line with the LA admission policy and the LA manages admissions for us. Please follow this link to find more information.


Support for children with SEND.

The school works with a range of agencies to ensure that appropriate provision is made to meet the needs of children attending the school. This includes the speech and language service, autism outreach, health services and the education psychology service. More information can be found on our local offer which is on our website.

We use our notional SEND budget to pay for release for the SENDCO, to supplement the staffing in all classrooms, to enable small group support where needed, to employ qualified TAs to provide specific programme support in the afternoons. It also provides resources to support children including test materials.

None of children are registered as disabled.


Progress of children with SEND

Careful tracking and monitoring by our SENDcO, overseen by our SEND governor, shows that our SEND children make progress. We know this because their provision maps are reviewed termly and new targets are set for the coming term. We look at outcomes from standardised and non-standardised tests. Our records show that SEND children are making progress although they may remain below the level expected for their age.


Outcomes at the end of Keystage 2

Our comparative data tells us that we are successful in ensuring that our SEND children make progress. Their progress was better than the non-SEND children although, again, not all of them reached the expected level for their age.


Further Information

Our detailed policy and offer are available on our website. Information on the Local Authority local offer can be found here:

Pastures SEND School Offer


Curious   Courageous   Committed   Kind